Wilton Trust
Guidance for referrers
1. The Trust can only consider applications on behalf of people living within the former Taunton Deane area.
2. The Trust’s funds cannot be used to take the place of public/statutory funds but may be used to supplement individuals in need provided need is proved and the Trustees consider the application appropriate for support. Grants are made at the Trustees’ discretion; there is no appeals process.
3. Grant applications will normally only be considered from recognised referrers writing on behalf of the applicant (the applicant must not complete the application form themselves). An application form has been prepared for ease of use on computers and word processors. This must be printed out and signed by the person who is responsible for submitting and monitoring the use of any grant awarded. An email copy should also be submitted so it can be forwarded to the Trustees. Email to wiltontrust@porterdodson.co.uk
4. All applications must be typed for ease of reading and photocopying. Please do not send an accompanying letter with supplementary information unless absolutely essential as this simply increases our photocopying costs. In the vast majority of cases the necessary information will fit on to the application form, which was designed to be on one side of A4 for this reason.
5. Where an applicant has recently moved, previous addresses in the last twelve months must be given.
6. The referrers must check the benefits that the applicant is receiving and provide details on the application form of the type and amount of benefits and/or any other income being paid to the client’s household. Any application which has not been completed with full details of the client's income (and we must stress that all benefits and any other income must be disclosed) the application will be returned and will not be considered.
7. The individual or family circumstances should be described and the need fully explained. Carpets, for example, whilst desirable, are rarely an item of essential need and would only be considered in very exceptional circumstances.
8. Specific items must be itemised and costed. Furnishing and household goods should be costed via Furnitrust but bed linen may be costed as new. Should white goods such as cookers, washing machines and fridges etc be needed these will be costed and supplied by Wilton Trust through Hatchers or another suitable supplier (it must be clearly specified on the application form whether a gas or electric cooker is required). Telephone numbers should also be provided on the form so that clients can be called direct by Hatchers or another suitable supplier to arrange delivery and installation of any white items granted.
9. If an application is made on behalf of a person with disabilities for an aid or adaptation to their home or for an electric scooter/buggy, the agency must give details of applications made to appropriate charities, Somerset Council and/or Care in the Community Budgets and the result of these applications. The applicant’s savings and level of contribution they are able to make must also be shown. In the case of electric scooters/buggies, the Trust can only consider a small grant towards the overall cost and this will depend on the individual’s circumstances. If granted, a payment will be released once the balance has been obtained.
10. The Trust does not normally make more than one grant in a twelve-month period unless the grant is for educational purposes, e.g. school uniform or an educational trip. In these circumstances, the Trustees would be willing to consider second applications for other items depending on the family’s circumstances.
11. Applications for school uniforms should be for the basic essentials only and may include sports kit. Items should be costed from the South West Schoolwear in East Reach. Each item should be itemised and costed separately. School bags and stationery are not appropriate. Where a grant is approved, South West Schoolwear will be informed to expect contact by or from the applicant/referrer and the Trust will be invoiced direct once the items of uniform have been collected. Grants must be redeemed within three months.
12. Any applications which are submitted by a school/educational establishment should be signed by the Headteacher.
13. Applications for home computers will only be considered if there is a proven exceptional need (e.g. disability/impairment) and this is clearly explained in the application.
14. Requests for the cost of, or a contribution towards the cost of, a holiday will be considered on its merits. If it involves school age children taking time off school the Headteacher’s written authority must accompany the application.
15. When a grant is approved, a payment will be sent payable to the referring referrers, who will be responsible for ensuring the grant is spent for the purpose allocated. If the grant is for furnishings, a letter of introduction to Furnitrust will be sent to the applicant via the referring referrers and Furnitrust will invoice us direct. Such grants must be redeemed within three months.
16. Retrospective applications will not be considered.
Porter Dodson Solicitors, The Quad, Blackbrook Park Avenue, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2PX
Email : wiltontrust@porterdodson.co.uk
Wilton Trust is the operating name of Wilton Taunton Limited